Monday, May 11, 2009

The couple of weeks before Easter, I kept really busy trying too get dresses sewn for the two little girls and trying to shop for everyone else. I had a time trying to figure out the dresses I was making, but after much strugle and picking out a lot of seems, I finally got them done. I don't know how late I stayed up those last couple of nights, but I finished my mission!

I know the date is wrong but I promise it was taken on Easter.


mitzi said...

When something major like that happens to a dress you have to be creative. You could use lace insertion, putting lace medallions throughout the dress. You could mend it, and then do embroidery over it, repeating throughout the dress. Or you could just mend it and hope that the folds of the dress kind of make it unnoticeable. Doesn't just make you sick when something like that happens? I made a dress for Madi for Christmas and then washed it the wrong way so it was ruined. At least it was an easy pattern.

Pierson family said...

Thanks for the ideas. I'm going to have to try something soon so it will be able to wear it again before she grows out of it.