Friday, July 31, 2009


Alex and I on a mother son date. We went to see Harry Potter 6. I will let you know what I think about the movie when we get done seeing it.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Okay, I love to make cards! Wondering if they are good enough to sell? And also how to go about selling them or marketing them? If anyone has ideas let me know. Sorry this one is upside down. Still trying to figure out this phone thing.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Okay this was me at the family reunion. I tried to post pics. of my kids at our reunion but for some reason it won't let me this time. Something to do with my windows program. So here's too our family reunion and Dt. Dr. Pepper!
Well, the summer is fast coming to a close, and school will be starting in a bout 3 weeks. Alisa will be going to Rockwell Charter High. She started in the drama club last year and did really well last year. I hope she will keep up the great work! This is where she went last year and where I subed. It is small but she likes the class sizes. Alex will be going to the new public high school West Lake. He enjoys the music program that the alpine school district offers. He will also be running in cross country. He has really made a commitment to running and is doing a wonderful job. This will be the last year Katherine will be in grade school. I can't believe how big she is getting! Let's hope she continues to do better at her staying on task. Emma is no longer in first grade. She is a big second grader. And you can't tell her any different, she is a big girl. She is also my social bug. She always wants to have all her friends around her.

Gaylen continues to work hard to keep our family afloat. I'm thinking of going back to school. I would like to find some kind of grant to help with the cost. If not that plan might have to wait.


playing with my phone. This is one of the cards I have been making!

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