Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008

I didn't get a Christmas card out this year. So I'm posting it on my blog.
The Piersons have been very blessed this year. It's years like this that confirms my testimony that God lives and he answers our prayers. Even to someone so undeserving as I.
Gaylen started to look for a new job last year. He had an offer from this place in Los Vegas. We just didn't feel good about taking that one. He also applied for one at the site in Eastern Idaho. That didn't go anywhere. At the first of Jan. he an interview with IMFLASH in Lehi. The company offered him a job and wanted him right away. But Gaylen wasn't available until the first part of March. So he went to take the job and left me to get the house ready for sale.
I think I got the shaft. Me doing all the work on the house and keeping the kids in check, and driving to and from all the concerts. But we actually the house sold in 3 weeks, from the time we put it on the market tell the time we signed the closing papers. We were moved out by the end of April.
A month latter we were going to close on the house we found here in Eagle Mountain, UT. We were driving with our realtor to check out some repair work that was done on the house. At that time we were in a car accident that could have been pretty bad. No one had serious injuries. That was a blessing in itself. A few minor bumps and some big bruises.
The car on the other hand, wasn't so lucky.
Things have been a hugh blessing. And the move was really an answer too my prays.
Alisa is a sophomore in high school and can't wait to get a job and get her driving lince. She has had a hard time with fitting in and feeling comfortable around new people. She is doing better and is making the adjustments. She is a strong girl who will do amazing things.
Alex is a freshman this year, and has been doing well. The only problem is the fact that this new school doesn't really have a good band or choir program. Music is his outlet. And when he doesn't have that, other things go down hill for him. But he does like it here.
Katherine is doing well in the 5th grade. We just have to keep her on track when doing homework. She is too much like her mom.
Emma is doing well and full of life. She keeps me on my toes. Boy she comes up with some very imaginative things sometimes
So we made it though with only a few bumps on the road. See what I mean by answering my prayers!
Everyone is enjoying opening Christmas presents. It's not the most flatering picture of me but I had to be fair and post one of myself, if I was going to put everyone elses pictures up.
We have been quite busy this holiday season. Alex was in a Shakeshpere play. A Midsummers night dream. That kept us going for a couple of weeks, between practices and the play its self. I got to help with the stage makeup each night and stayed to watch at least once. He did a pretty good job.
Katherine is involved in the school choir and was praticing hard and I really enjoyed watching her preform. Gaylen really hasn't had a chance to see the kids preform this year because of his work schedule. He has 1-1/2 more weks on nights and then he goes back to days.
Emma also had a first grade choir concert. I would have posted the little video I recorded but I haven't figured that part out yet. It was very cute!
Alisa hasn't been involved with the music program this year. The school they are attending doesn't have a very good music program. It was pretty disappointing for the kids. Infact Alex is switching to a public school this next semster because he needs music.
I'm still trying too keep up with the house. And every now and then, I will substitute for the high school.
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