Sunday, March 22, 2009

No new pics., but I want to keep you up too date.

Gaylen got released from being a primary teacher today. I would have liked to have been released with him, but not such luck. He is still working at IMFlash and since they have announced more layoffs in Boise, we are realizing even more than ever of how very blessed we are.

I'm busy working on Easter dresses for my two youngest daughters. Alisa wants a Easter dress but doesn't really want one with smocking and embroidery. I have too start to work a little faster or they will never get done. I don't know why much longer that the other two will want hand made dresses. I will sew for them as long as I can. Or as long as they will wear the clothes.

All the kids are doing well in school. Emma has too memorize a couple of short poems. We passed one off and has one more to go.

Katherine is doing much better with staying on task, and getting homework turned in. She is so smart, but has had a problem finishing.

Alex is really enjoying the middle school and the music program they have to offer. He has joined the jazz band which gives him a bigger challenge than just the regular band does.

Alisa just got done with her play she was in "Fortress". She has tried out for a musical and got a part with a solo. The play is "Once on This Island". The play is in May. The practices will be long but I think I can get along without her for at least a little while.

All in all we are staying busy and trying to keep out of trouble.